This is Aiden the "little fire," a Scottish paperboy, who works hard to help out with the household expenses. His name is a modern version of the traditional Irish name Aodhan which translates to "fire."
In Irish mythology, Aodh is known to be the Celtic god of sun and fire who falls in love with Lla, the earth goddess.
Though I believe Aidan is far from a privileged life and I also believe many young men happen to share similar hardships all throughout the world, I never met him in person. Yet, he is very much real and alive within my imagination.
All I can say is this, "Work hard, my little fire, and never stop dreaming. You will regret the things you didn't try." 11" x 14" (sold)

Life, as we know all too well, guarantees a series of courses, through which we learn to adapt to changes -good or bad; to admit and to accept our shortcomings, to love and respect ourselves, to grow in stature, and to develop spiritually.
This portrait of my daughter Iris, my firstborn, takes me back to a time of serious lessons as a mother, during which I learned how to set my personal needs aside because this little handful meant to me more than life itself.
In time though, she not only became the voice of my inner strength, but she also is my best friend to this day. She inspires me and leads me with her solid walk throughout life. I look up to her just as much as she once depended on me as a newborn.
I am grateful for her role in my life and I thank God every single day for giving me such an awesome gift. 22" x 28" (nfs)

Meet Aisha, a gorgeous Jordanian young lady, who happens to be miles ahead of her time. Not only does she understand the fact that eyes and expressions are the windows to her most intimate secrets, but she also has the courage to determine her own set of boundaries.
Again, I never met her in person, but I can honestly say I have been in her shoes in many ways. A life of limitations is what gets our curiosity going. And the very same is what we ultimately need to dig deep and find that inner strength we naturally possess in order to break free. I understand not everyone is successful. And that is why I cherish Aisha's portrait because it keeps reminding me that life is worth fighting for. And also the fact that being able to stand on what we believe in is something to celebrate. 11" x 14"

This is my son Osheen who happens to be an exact replica of me in so many ways. I don't mean to sound boastful or ugly about it, but he is emotion-driven, kindhearted, and almost way too considerate of others, to the point that he gets hurt way more than he should. Which is what makes him a gentle man.
Since Osheen grew up without a male figure in his life, he asked me once how I had managed to raise him to be a gentleman. And my response was, "It's simple. The same way my own father, Berc dede, raised me to be a lady."
I see some of my good qualities as well as my flaws through him. He is easy to read and to understand. And he is also very easy to predict. This is my way of describing Osheen to the world. 11" x 14"

Meet Naajeeyeh, a beautiful Mongolian girl, full of dreams and ambitions. Though she is only thirteen and spoken for, she isn't afraid of having her own plans.
She attends school like her life depends on it because she knows the kind of lifestyle she is aiming for demands education.
She is also very attentive with her chores in hopes of pleasing her parents as much as she can, knowing full well that they will be forced into a huge disappointment with her future departure.
She is very loving but also guarded, because she knows leaving it all behind will not be easy. And that is exactly why she continues to keep her eyes on the prize. She wants to be able to look back and say, "I am glad I took the chance. It was worth it." 11" x 14" (sold)

Let's talk about Jeffrey Breit who happens to be a well known attorney in Virginia Beach. He has had a successful career and now owns multiple locations all throughout the East Coast. He is bright and full of life. But I'd like to describe what else he stands for.
One of Mr Breit's greatest qualities is the fact that he is a family man. Not only is he extremely transparent about his love and respect for his beautiful wife, but he also glows every time he talks about his kids. I can tell they are his pride and joy. In spite of all the success and the recognition among his peers, he has not lost sight of what truly matters in life.
What I admire about Mr Breit more than anything is the fact that it takes character not to be tainted with worldly accomplishments. And this gentleman is class act. 11" x 14" (NFS)

I believe Asian women are some of the most ground-breaking, intelligent, and beautiful women around the world. As if they are baptized in the waters of aspiration and ambition, with education as their buoy, they climb up the corporate ladder in just a few steps, almost with no effort at all.
What's even more appealing about these women is the fact that they know how to continue to be the wife and the mother, for family life is divinely important to them, while encouraging their young ones to follow their own example.
I have named my Asian lady Zhang, for she represents class and leadership. Her piercing eyes are easy to read. They are saying, "Pay attention, and I will show you that the best is yet to come." 11" x 14"

Harper's expression is all about wanting to figure out what that little candle is trying to say or do. As his name suggests, he is curious, inquisitive, and knowledge-hungry as are most little ones at his age.
If he only knew how inspiring that personality of his is and what a privilege it is to supply him with all the right answers, just so he will continue his little journey on solid ground.
Loving Harper is the easy part. He is one adorable young man in the making. 11' x 14"

Many of Sophie's attributes have been in my head and in my heart for many years. She happens to be young and classy, full of confidence, with dreams and ambitions of her own. She loves music, dining and fine art. And because that is who she truly is on the inside, she doesn't come across as conceited or arrogant. She is simply being herself.
The background I chose for her suggests she has a life of wholeness and abundance, something I wish were the case for many of us. Even though life wasn't as loving and generous with us while we were growing up, it doesn't mean that we cannot or should not continue to cultivate those great attributes within. What is even more admirable about people who didn't have a decent start is the fact that it makes them that much more successful and appealing when they manage to rise above their difficulties. 16" x 20"

Galena, a Greek man who traveled far and wide to find the love of his life, happens to be the happiest man I know. Though he faced many obstacles of his own, be it financial as well as some serious health issues, nothing has kept him from displaying that beautiful glow of his heart.
I never met him in person, for he is a figment of my imagination. But I found the same unrelenting joy in my own father who, like Galena, made sure that starting a day with that contagious smile of his was the least he could do to brighten my day.
There are many people who happen to do just that and are able to look life in the face and say, "I am not at all impressed with your curveballs. And I have way too much to celebrate, with or without your permission. See you later alligator." 11' x 14"

Amisha is an Indonesian lady I stumbled across through an amazing photographer from the same region, Rarindra Prakarsa. I find her to be pure, truthful, and a beautiful being with a heart of gold, just as her name suggests.
She lives in a small village where the most important daily tasks revolve around what truly matters in life. Her main cares and concerns involve her kids and her grandchildren, just as it should be. Looking at that contagious smile of hers, you don't ever see the countless challenges she had to endure. She looks content and joyful knowing that giving up was an option she would never consider. If anything, she worked hard and tried even harder not to give up.
I truly enjoyed painting her beautiful face. 11" x 14"

I'm afraid those who believe "beauty is only skin deep" haven't met Abigail in person. Since I had the privilege of watching her breeze through every phase of adolescence with great success, I'll be bold enough to say Abigail's heart might even overshadow her outer appearance. The level of courage and honesty she possesses is quite remarkable.
Growing up in a good Christian home gave Abigail all the right values, as a result of which she has been working and providing for herself just as soon as she was old enough; and continues to do so to this day.
Not only has she never taken the easy way out, but Abigail has always performed every position to perfection. Bottom line, she is a rare treasure and, I'm proud to know her. 11" x 14" (NFS)

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